1. Shields, M. C., Kantawala, Z., & Raghavan, R. (2024). Why Patient-Centered Built Environment Standards Matter More Than Numbers of Beds in Inpatient Psychiatry. AMA Journal of Ethics, 26(3), 237-247.
  2. Oschan, F. † & Shields, M.C. (2024). COVID-19 Mitigation Activities in Inpatient Psychiatry Were Associated With Patient-Reported Institutional Betrayal, Changes in Trust, and Fear of Getting Sick. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 61, 1-8.
  3. Xu, K.Y., Gold, J.A., Szlyk, H.A., Rolin, S., Shields, M.C. (2024) Mental Illness and Violence Among People Experiencing Homelessness: An Evidence Based Review. Missouri Medicine, 121(1), 14-20
  4. Hollander, M.A.G., Patton, A., Shields, M.C. (2024) Changes in IMD Ownership Status and Insurance Acceptance Over Time. Health Affairs Scholar, ;2(1):qxad089. doi:10.1093/haschl/qxad089
  5. Shields, M.C., Hollander, M.A.G., Busch, A.B., Kantawala, Z., † Rosenthal, M.B. (2023) Patient-centered inpatient psychiatry is associated with outcomes, ownership, and national quality measures Health Affairs Scholar1(1), qxad017 ***Editor’s pick for Top 10 Paper of 2023***
  6. Andraka-Christou, B., Atkins, D., Shields, M.C., Golan, O.K., Totaram, R., Cortelyou, K., Lambie, G. and Mazurenko, O.(2023). Key person-centered care domains for residential substance use disorder treatment facilities: former clients’ perspectives. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18(1), 45
  7. Gilmore, D., Radford, D., Haas, M., Shields, M.C., Bishop, L., Hand, B. (2023). Building Community and Identity Online: A Content Analysis of #Autism on TikTok. Autism in Adulthood
  8. Andraka-Christou, B., Randall-Kosich, O., Totaram, R., Shields, M.C., Cortelyou, K, Atkins, D., Lambie, G., Mazurenko, O. (2023). Strategies for operationalizing eight domains of person-centered care for substance use disorder treatment facilities. Journal of Addictive Diseases, DOI: 10.1080/10550887.2023.2247810
  9. Shields, M. C., & Hollander, M. A. (2023). Complaints, Restraint, and Seclusion in Massachusetts Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities, 2008–2018. Journal of Patient Experience, 10, 23743735231179072.
  10. O’Brien, P., Stewart, M., Shields, M.C., White, M., Goldberg, J., Joel, D., Mulaney-Day, N. (2022) Residential treatment and medication treatment for opioid use disorder: The role of state Medicaid innovations in advancing the field. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 4, 100087
  11. Shields, M. C., & Beidas, R. S. (2022). The Need to Prioritize Patient-Centered Care in Inpatient Psychiatry as a Matter of Social Justice. JAMA Health Forum (Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. e214461-e214461). American Medical Association.
  12. Shields, M. C. (2022). Effects of the CMS’ Public Reporting Program for Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities on Targeted and Nontargeted Safety: Differences Between For-Profits and Nonprofits. Medical Care Research and Review, 1077558721998924.
  13. Shields, M. C., Trinh, N. H. T., Borba, C. P., Chen, R., Reddy, A. K., & Singer, S. J. (2022). Former Inpatient Psychiatric Patients’ Past Experiences with Traditional Frontline Staff and Their Thoughts on the Benefits of Peers as Part of Frontline Staff. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 60(3), 15-22.
  14. Jones, N., Guis, B.K., Shields, M.C., Florence, A., Collings, S., Green, K., Watson, A., Munson, M. (2022) Youth and Young Adult Experiences of Police Involvement during Involuntary Psychiatric Hold Initiation and Transport. Psychiatric Services,
  15. Shields, M.C., Beaulieu, N., Lu, S., Busch, A.B., Cutler, D., Chien, A.T. (2022) The rising number of inpatient psychiatry beds operated by systems, for-profits, and chains: 2010-2016. Psychiatric
  16. Shields, M.C., Hollander, M.A.G., Marcus, S.C., Chatterjee, P. (2021) Characteristics and Financing of Institutions of Mental Disease. Psychiatric Services, 72:11, 1359-1360
  17. Shields, M.C. (2021) Patient characteristics associated with admission to low-safety inpatient psychiatric facilities in Massachusetts: Evidence for racial inequities Psychiatric Services,
  18. Shields, M.C., Horgan, C., Busch, A.B. (2021) Use of Electronic Health Record Technology in a National Sample of Hospitals that Provide Specialty Substance Use Disorder Care Psychiatric
  19. Jones, N., Gius, B. K., Shields, M., Collings, S., Rosen, C., & Munson, M. (2021). Investigating the impact of involuntary psychiatric hospitalization on youth and young adult trust and help-seeking in pathways to care. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-11.
  20. Shields, M. C., Singer, J., Rosenthal, M., Sato, L., Keohane, C., Janes, M., … & Rabson, B. (2021). Patient Engagement Activities and Patient Experience: Are Patients with a History of Depression the Canary in the Coal Mine? Medical Care Research and Review, 1077558719850705.
  21. Frank, R. G., Glied, S. A., & Shields, M. (2021). Jobs for people with mental health conditions: Trends and prospects. Psychiatric Services, 72(2), 143-147.
  22. Shields, M. C., Ritter, G., & Busch, A. B. (2020). Electronic Health Information Exchange At Discharge From Inpatient Psychiatric Care In Acute Care Hospitals. Health Affairs39(6), 958-967.
  23. Shields, M. C., & Busch, A. B. (2020). The Effect of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion. Medical Care58(10), 889-894.
  24. Benjenk, I., Shields, M., & Chen, J. (2020). Measures of care coordination at inpatient psychiatric facilities and the Medicare 30-day all-cause readmission rate. Psychiatric Services, 71(10), 1031-1038.
  25. Shields, M., Scully, S., Sulman, H., Borba, C., Trinh, N. H., & Singer, S. (2019). Consumers’ Suggestions for Improving the Mental Healthcare System: Options, Autonomy, and Respect. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(6), 916-923
  26. Shields, M. C., Akobirshoev, I., Dembo, R. S., & Mitra, M. (2019). Self-Injurious Behavior Among Adults With ASD: Hospitalizations, Length of Stay, and Costs of Resources to Deliver Care. Psychiatric Services, 70(6), 457-464.
  27. Shields, M. C., Stewart, M. T., & Delaney, K. R. (2018). Patient Safety In Inpatient Psychiatry: A Remaining Frontier For Health Policy. Health Affairs, 37(11), 1853-1861
  28. Shields, M. C., Reneau, H.,† Albert, S. M., Siegel, L., & Trinh, N. H. (2018). Harms to consumers of inpatient psychiatric facilities in the United States: an analysis of news articles. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 39(9), 757-763. 
  29. DiGioia, K., Nair, M., Shields, M., & Saini, V. (2018). Physicians and Students Take to the Streets to Ask: What Do People Want from Their Health Care? Journal of Patient Safety14(2), e29-e30.
  30. Shields, M.C., Borba, C., Trinh, N. (2017). Quality of Inpatient Psychiatric Care and Consumers’ Trust in the Mental Health Care System. Psychiatric Services, 68(6), pp. 642–643. 
  31. Stone, J. L., Aveling, E. L., Frean, M., Shields, M. C., Wright, C., Gino, F., … & Singer, S. J. (2017). Effective leadership of surgical teams: A mixed methods study of surgeon behaviors and functions. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
  32. Shields, M.C. & Rosenthal, M. (2017). Quality of inpatient psychiatric care at VA, other government, nonprofit, and for-profit hospitals: a comparison. Psychiatric Services, 68(3), 225-230
    • Shields, M. C., & Rosenthal, M. B. (2017). Measuring the Quality of VA Care: In Reply. Psychiatric Services, 68(3), 308-309. 
  33. Shields, M. C., Matt, L. M., & Coifman, K. G. (2016). Physical activity and negative emotion during peer-rejection: Evidence for emotion context sensitivity. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(12), 2851-2862 
  34. Shields, M. (2015). The Murphy Bill: Ethical Considerations for Mental Health Care and its Consumers. Harvard Public Health Review


  1. Davis, K., White-Ciluffo, K., Shields, M.C.** Patients’ suggestions for improving inpatient psychiatry: A call for more personalized and humane care [Revise/Resubmit]
  2. Andraka-Christou, B, Atkins, D, Shields, M.C., Golan, O., Totaram, R., Cortelyou, K., Lambie G., Mazurenko, O. Key person-centered care domains in residential substance use disorder treatment facilities: former clients’ perspectives. [Revise/Resubmit]
  3. Shields, M.C., Kantawala, Z., † Raghavan, R. Considering the Ethics of Modernizing Standards for Patient-Centered Built Environments in Inpatient Psychiatry [Invited Article | Under Review]
  4. Lewis, D., † Lee, H., Zabelski, S, † Shields, M.C.** Institutional betrayal in inpatient psychiatry: impacts on trust and engagement with care [Under Review]
  5. Oschan, F. †  & Shields, M.C. ** The relationship between COVID-19 mitigation activities in inpatient psychiatry and patients’ reports of institutional betrayal and changes in trust [Under Review]
  6. Stoeck, P., Shields, M.C., Chien, A.T., Beaulieu, N., Busch, A.B., Pandey, A., Samnaliev, M., Cutler, D. National Pediatric Behavioral Health Systems. [Under Review]

Bogen, K.W., Demers, J.M., Goldstein, C.M., Hogan, F., Orchowski, L.M., & Shields, M.C. (2018). Reflections on the campaign, election and presidency of Donald J. Trump from Survivors of sexual violence. Invited Chapter for L. Findley & M. Johnson (Eds). Trumpism: The Politics of Gender in a Post-Propitious America. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Press


O’Brien, M., Stewart, M.T., White, M., Shields, M.C., Mulvaney-Day, N. State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions: Regulation and Policy (2021). A report written under contract for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Health and Human Services

Stewart, M.T., O’Brien, M., Shields, M.C., Mulvaney-Day, N. State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions: Regulation and Policy Environmental Scan (2019). A report written under contract for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Health and Human Services

Garnick, D., Horgan, C., Lee, M., Azur, M., Thomas, C., Henry, B., Shields, M., Natzke, B. Potential Quality Measures for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Substance Use Disorders (2017). A report written under contract for the Division of Quality and Health Outcomes, Children and Adults Health Programs Group, Center for Medicaid and Chip Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Shields, M.C. Massachusetts’ Quality of Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities: An Analysis of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program and Recommendations to the State of Massachusetts and CMS (2017). A report for State Representative Kay Khan and Interested Parties

Variation in states’ critical incident monitoring systems for 1915c waiver services: comparing policies against waiver applications (2017). A report for the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disability Services (NASDDDS) [role: conceptualized and developed an analytic tool, and then applied it to the comparative analyses]


Adams, D., Lindsay, R., Drollinger, K., McDowell, J., Shields, M.C.  (2024) The 988 crisis-line workforce: What Missouri and one crisis center in it can teach us, Health Affairs Forefront (in press)

Barsky, B. & Shields, M.C. (2024). Psychiatric Restraint Use as Carceral State Practice, Psychiatric Services (in press)

Shields, M.C. & Allen, H. (2023). A Massive Step Forward in Measuring and Reporting Patient Experience of Inpatient Psychiatry Milbank Quarterly Opinion.

Shields, M.C. (2020). CMS’ Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program Reduced Restraint and Seclusion. LDI HEALTH Policy$ense

Frank, R. G., Glied, S. A., Marple, K., & Shields, M.C. (2019). Changing Labor Markets and Mental Illness: Impacts on Work and Disability. Working paper for the NBER Retirement and Disability Research Center

Shields, M.C. (2020). Risks of inpatient psychiatry during COVID-19 and beyond. Medical Care blog

Shields, M.C. & Ne’eman, A. (2018). Expanding civil commitment is bad mental health policy. Health Affairs Forefront

Shields, M.C. (2017). Two Complimentary Policy Windows to Improve Access and Quality of Eating Disorder Care. Health Affairs Forefront

Shields, M.C., Reneau, H.,† Rosenthal, M.B. (2016). An urgent call for a national surveillance system for inpatient psychiatric facilities. Health Affairs Forefront

Shields, M. & Zeghibe, A.† (2016) Is Anyone Paying Attention? Harm and Death in Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities. Huffington Post

Shields, M. (2014). Different Lenses, One Vision: Our Chapter Hosted a Successful Event to End Stigma – So Can Yours. Eye on Psi Chi, Psi Chi International Honor Society, 19(1), 21-23. *Invited article. Published in both the quarterly and an anniversary edition

Shields, M. (2013). Processing Positive Emotional Stimuli Consciously and Non-Consciously: A Study of Behavior and Peripheral Physiology. Prep Journal. National Science Foundation REU